Right now, Retroarc shows this value for User 1 Select Button: Auto: 4 (N/A) (Key:). * I'm also having problems mapping the Select button. The Nvidia button doesn't seem to work inside Retroarch (doesn't register a bind). * I can't find a method to map the Nvidia button to RGUI. * I'd like to configure my controller identical to this guide, but.
Would be so much easier if there was a method to do this from within the Shield. * Is there any way to clear a bind from within RGUI on the Shield TV? Right now, I have to remove binds via the PC by editing the Autoconfig.cfg. I've copied my Retroarc.cfg file to an SDcard and have been editing it on the computer with Notepad++, but have still having some problems:
I'm attempting to map my Nvidia Shield TV controller in Retroarch.